This was the first LitRPG novel I’ve ever read, and I really wasn’t sure what to expect. I had images of “press x to start”, but was very pleasantly relieved to find that wasn’t the case at all. I have seen the film, but we all know you can never expect the book to be the same way. This was absolutely No exception at all! If I had to put a number on it, I’d say there’s about 15% similarities between book and film here. That was quite a surprise for me, but I absolutely loved it! I love the characters, the settings, the adventure! I couldn’t get enough!
Our narrator and main character, Wade Watts, takes us through his adventure in the Oasis, a virtual reality world, in the year 2045. He, like most of the planets population, is attempting to to win a contest. To solve what seems to be an unsolvable puzzle. To change the course of his life, forever. Most important of all, the keep the Oasis free for everyone, the way the virtual reality utopia was meant to be.
I loved our main character, Wade. The way he interacts with his friends and those around him, so much sass and sarcasm! (Side note, if you’re sensitive to coarse language, might want to cover your eyes in some places.) He had me laughing out loud in some places, and in others, the tears flowed freely. His character growth throughout the story was really amazing to see as well. He was so jaded, so self absorbed and sour. The way Wade grew and expanded his line of thinking, I just loved it! And when he meets the girl, oh man, I can’t even tell you how much I loved them together!!
Let’s be honest though, who wouldn’t want to spend all their time in a virtual reality world, where you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home, or even change out of your jammies?! The action, the sense of humour, the deeply detailed descriptions, the love story, it all came together for me 100%! I definitely recommend this one!! The movie is great and all, but it’s got nothing on the book!!
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️